
November 16, 2016

Turkey Trotters Invited to Enter Fourth Annual Costume Contest

If you’re planning to run in the 100th anniversary edition of the Troy Turkey Trot and want to participate in the event’s popular costume contest, event organizers want you to let your imagination run wild!

“The costume contest is always a highlight of the 5K and our entries are extremely creative,” said longtime Event Director George Regan.  “We’ve seen everything from folks dressing up as forks and spoons to a cross-country team decked out as gift wrapped presents.”

Participants in the 5K, the day’s signature event, are invited to enter one of two categories — best Thanksgiving Day costume and the most unique costume. Contestants will be asked to fill out an entry form and take a picture of themselves, or their team, in costume. Entry forms can be submitted at chip/t-shirt pick-up held at the Troy Atrium on Sunday, Nov. 20 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Wednesday, Nov. 23, from 11a.m to 6 p.m.  Contestants can also complete a costume contest entry form Thanksgiving morning at the costume contest tent located just north of the start line on Fulton & 4th Streets from 8-9 a.m. A photo of the contestant’s costume will be taken prior to judging.

“Costumes will be judged based on their creativity, presentation, and flexibility/functionality (ability to move in the costume),” added Regan. “The only costumes we are not permitting are those that cover the face, as well as bulky costumes that may interfere with others out on the course.”

Staff from Pioneer Bank will judge participants’ entries Thanksgiving morning from 8:45-9:45 a.m. Prizes for both categories will be identical. First place will receive a $100 Hannaford gift card. Second place will receive a $50 Hannaford gift card, and third place will receive a $25 Hannaford gift card. Prizes will be given out at the finish line awards stage in Monument Square after the conclusion of the 5K at approximately 10:45 a.m.

For more information and to download a costume contest entry form, please visit