Multicultural Holiday Calendar

The Capital Region Chamber is committed to serving as a resource to organizations in their efforts to foster more diverse, inclusive and equitable places to work. Being an inclusive leader, means taking the time and effort to make your employees, clients and customers feel valued, appreciated and that they belong. This can be a year-round initiative and the Capital Region Chamber has developed resources to help better understand the various Heritage Month celebrations and holidays, to aid in enhancing your workplace DEI efforts.

As we schedule important meetings and events this year, we offer the following diversity and inclusion calendar. We encourage you to use this tool in raising awareness and being cognizant of different holidays and important dates that honor the rich diversity of our region and world and how these observances are celebrated by various cultures, religions and populations.

If you believe we may have mistakenly left off a holiday or date that is important to you, please do not hesitate to reach out to Jason Benitez, Vice President, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at


Download the new 2025 Multicultural Holiday Calendar now!