
August 4, 2020

Three Cheers for Volunteers!

In any given year, volunteers provide an immense service to the Food Bank by helping us accomplish more than we ever could on our own. In a year like this one, our volunteers are more important, and appreciated, than ever. Whether it’s sorting donated food in one of our warehouses, hosting a food drive, raising funds, or harvesting veggies at our Patroon Land Farm, volunteers expand our capacity and help us get more food out to more hungry people.

Volunteers and staff work together seven days a week and adhere to strict sanitation protocols to keep everyone safe. We appreciate their support so much. Imagine our delight when a volunteer thanked US for the opportunity to serve.

“I’m signed up at the Food Bank for a number of dates in August. But things have changed: I’m returning to work, finally, after four months. So I’m afraid I won’t be doing any of these shifts, which actually leaves me feeling a bit wistful. I’ve very much enjoyed my experience at the Food Bank. Not only is it work of immeasurable importance, especially now, but you guys are so pleasant and cheerful. It’s motivating! If only more workplace supervisors were possessed of such qualities.”

We are honored to work with volunteers like this, who give so generously of their time and share our commitment to meeting people’s basic needs. If you would like to learn more about our volunteer opportunities, please visit our website.