
April 6, 2020

The Schenectady Foundation Gives Update on COVID-19 Response

The Schenectady Foundation has convened a coalition of non-profit partners, aligning with County government. In less than one week they have established a base of operations for centralizing the distribution of food and supplies to residents of the County. To-date, they have delivered to people’s homes 2800 packages of food and needed supplies, reaching almost 5000 residents. Each package is enough to last 3-4 days.

The Schenectady Foundation has provided $75,000 to-date to their coalition members who are serving on the front lines. Funding pays for food, cleaning and health supplies, financial and rent assistance, and staff to serve the most vulnerable community members. Organizations such as SCAP, City Mission, the YWCA, SiCM and the Regional Food Bank are at the forefront of the charge. The Schenectady Foundation’s efforts are well-supported by County government and they are are in regular coordination calls with Public Health Services, Dept. of Social Services and the County Manager’s office.

The Rebuilding Families Fund has been activated to channel donations where they are most needed from day to day and week to week as the COVID-19 pandemic plays out. And, The Schenectady Foundation will match your gift!