
June 27, 2019

SICM Summer Meals Program Marks 25th Year

Schenectady Community Ministries (SiCM) celebrates embarking on its 25th year of serving Summer Meals for Teens and Kids. SiCM’s Summer Meals Program serves free breakfast and lunch to the youth in our community at fixed and mobile sites.

“Hunger does not take a vacation,” said Rev. Phillip Grigsby, SiCM’s Executive Director. “Our youth when they are in school count on school meals and the summer food program fills the gap in the summer.”

There is no enrollment or sign up required; meals are open to all youth 18 and under. Last year SiCM served 53,000 meals to the teens and kids in the community.

“We are opening a number of new sites this year,” said Jo-Anne Rafalik the Summer Meals Program Director. “In addition we offer books, resource packets, and activities at many of the sites.  A number of the sites are in collaboration with other groups such as the Boys and Girls Club, Girls Inc., the YMCA and others that offer both recreational and enrichment activities Many of the sites have volunteer teams who also provide activities.”

SiCM’s Summer Meals Program starts on Wednesday, June 26th and will continue through Friday, August 30th for most sites. Please check the official schedule for the full list of meal sites on the SiCM website. Note: Some sites close before August 30.

Schenectady Community Ministries is a faith-based, non-sectarian coalition of congregations in the greater Schenectady area that seeks to “relate the resources of the congregations to the human needs of the community.” Organized in 1967, SiCM initiates and manages programs of social service and social justice.

The SiCM Summer Food Service Program is a public-private partnership with grants from the NYS Department of Education with funds from the United States Department of Agriculture; United Way of the Greater Capital Region; the City of Schenectady; No Kid Hungry; area congregations, business, and individuals.