
March 17, 2016

Sage’s School of Professional and Continuing Education to Kick Off Faculty Spotlight Series

The Sage Colleges is pleased to announce the launch of its School of Professional and Continuing Education Faculty Spotlight Series. The lectures will highlight the interesting work of Sage faculty and other timely topics.

The first spotlight will be held Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 5:00 pm in Room 105 of the Kahl Campus Center on the Sage College of Albany campus located at 140 New Scotland Avenue. Eileen Brownell, associate professor of Management and chair of undergraduate business programs, will lead the discussion. She will focus on faculty perceptions of leadership and engagement in an organizational turnaround in higher education; adult student learning and lifelong learning; and the power of education and research.

The events are open to Sage faculty, students and staff as well as the public.

Click here for a full list of events.