
August 4, 2016

Saccocio Joins Printz & Patternz

saccocioJenna Saccocio, a screen printer, graphic designer and illustrator from Ballston Spa, has accepted a full time position at Printz & Patternz in Schenectady. She is a SUNY Oneonta Alumni with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree.

Jenna is passionate about Graphic Design along with all of the elements that are used to compose it. Her love for fine arts sparked her initial interest in design and inspired her to pursue a major is Computer Art. The field introduced her to numerous aspects of art and design including screen printing, water color, design, typography, digital photography, and more.  She is able to utilize all of her abilities in her position at Printz & Patternz, along with furthering her knowledge of screen printing and business world operations.