
September 8, 2016

Ringing in the New School Year at Doane Stuart

dsThe Doane Stuart School kicked off its 41st year with a Convocation ceremony on Wednesday, September 7 in the Golub Interfaith Chapel.  This annual Doane Stuart tradition officially opens the year as students, faculty and staff gather to begin the process of once again binding our learning community together with shared goals and interests.

Students and faculty processed to bagpipes played by Dalton Hanaway ’17 of Saratoga Springs.  Associate Head of School Lisa Brown opened the ceremony with a warm welcome and a prayer inspired by an Irish blessing and a Buddhist prayer.  Head of School Pam Clarke provided the opening remarks on civil discourse and nonviolence then introduced the new faculty.  New students and faculty were heartily welcomed by all, and Grades Four, Eight, and Twelve were all introduced as the division leaders.  Dalton Hanaway was then introduced as the new Student Body President for 2016-17.

At the end of the service, a bell was rung to officially start the school year.   Mrs. Sharon Duker, President of the Board of Trustees, rang the traditional Doane Stuart bell and then delivered the closing prayer.