
April 3, 2024

Port of Albany releases RFI as part of evaluating transition to Zero-Emission Fleet

The Albany Port District Commission (APDC) is currently conducting a cost and feasibility assessment for the purpose of transitioning the current fleet equipment to zero-emission equipment as part of the EPA Clean Ports Initiative.  A Request For Information (RFI) was released on March 20, 2024 to gather product and pricing information on zero- emission heavy equipment.

“The transition to zero-emission equipment fulfills a long-time goal of the Port of Albany, is in keeping with our mission of public stewardship, and aligns with our successful certification through Green Marine for the past eight years,” said Port of Albany CEO Richard Hendrick. “Recent projects at the Port look to the future of our operations and development to ensure that we are continually improving upon our environmental performance. This is a critical Capital Plan consideration and the EPA’s Clean Ports program is a tremendous opportunity to advance this goal.”

The Green Marine program provides a comprehensive framework for ports and maritime companies to assess and improve their environmental performance. The program addresses prioritized environmental issues related to air, water, soil quality, and community relations. Participants must demonstrate continual and measurable improvement year after year.