
October 24, 2019

Over $10 Million in Runway Renovations Completed at Schenectady County Airport

The Schenectady County Legislature announced completion of two major capital projects at the County Airport in Glenville.  The first involved resurfacing and replacing the lighting on the longest runway (Runway 4-22) at the airport which covers 7,000 feet. The County also reconstructed and widened Taxiway “C” at the airport measuring 2,200 feet which connects the Stratton Air National Guard Base to the main runway.  Together, the two projects covered more than 1.2 million square feet of pavement work.

“We are pleased to wrap up over $10 million in runway upgrades at the County Airport in Glenville,” said Anthony Jasenski, Chairman of the County Legislature.  “The Airport continues to be an important transportation and economic development asset for Schenectady County and we welcome the opportunity to reinvest in this facility.”

Both projects were completed by Callanan Industries, Inc. Project design and oversight was provided by the County’s Department of Engineering and Public Works and CHA Consulting, Inc.’s aviation practice.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) picked up 74% of project costs, with other funding provided by the New York Air National Guard at 18%, New York State at 4% and Schenectady County at 4%.

The Schenectady County Airport is home to the Stratton Air National Guard base, a Joint Military Reserve Training Center, Richmor Aviation, SUNY Schenectady County’s flight training and air traffic controller programs and the County’s ice skating facility. The Airport Business Park is home to Bruno Associates, C2 Design Group, Euro Tile & Stone, REVA Air Ambulance, DSM and Mohawk Honda.

Schenectady County’s economic development team, led by Metroplex, has assisted with the construction of seven new buildings at the Airport in recent years including new roads, plus water and sewer connections.