
January 7, 2016

Operation Valentine: Letters to Soldiers Overseas

Seniors from Colonie will join together on Thursday, January 7 from 9a.m. to 12p.m. at the Beltrone Living Center to write letters of support to the troops overseas that serve our country through an event called Operation Valentine.

Colonie Senior Service Centers is hosting this event as an opportunity for members, volunteers, and residents to give back to the soldiers who fight and defend our country. This event also hits home for many seniors who are veterans or have a spouse, siblings, parents, or children serving in the United States Armed Forces.

CSSC will have a mailbox setup in the lobby of the Beltrone Living Center until January 15 for any others who wish to participate in Operation Valentine but cannot make it the day of the event. Other mailboxes will be setup in assorted locations. The letters will be sent to the troops in the beginning of February, reaching them in time for Valentine’s Day.

Colonie Senior Service Center, Inc. is an independent, community based non-profit serving the largest population of seniors in the Capital District for 35 years.