
September 10, 2015

NYS Empire Plaza Holds 50th Speaker Series

The following are upcoming speakers for Empire Plaza’s 50th Anniversary Speaker Series:

Power, Politics and The Plaza: A Look at Rockefeller and Corning,  September 16   Swyer, Theatre, The EGG  6pm,  Speakers:  Richard Norton Smith and Paul Grondahl

An International Capital: The Architecture and Construction of The Empire State Plaza,  September 23  Hart Theatre Lounge, The EGG 6pm, Speakers: Jon Lott, Price Jepson, John Mesick and Edmund Meade

A Vision for Public Art: The Empire State Plaza Art Collection, September 30  Swyer Theatre, The EGG  6pm, Speakers: David Novros, Dennis Anderson and Matthew Levy


For more information, please click here.