
May 5, 2016

Mark Your Calendars: US Diplomacy Summit to be Held in Albany

On June 1, the International Center of the Capital Region, Rochester Global Connections and the World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts in partnership with the U.S. Department of State and Global Ties U.S., will be sponsoring a one-day diplomacy summit at University Heights (SAGE Albany, Albany Law School and Albany College of Pharmacy) on New Scotland Avenue in Albany entitled Women’s Empowerment: Keys to Leadership. The daylong event, which is open to the public, will explore integrating local and regional gender dimensions into various dialogues and workshops as a way of investigating gender barriers and unleashing the productive potential of women, and how all of this relates to diplomacy and international exchange. Workshops throughout the day will drill down into specific discussions such as a historic perspective, academic studies and accomplishments, governmental representation, journalism, non-profit leadership, LGBT and human rights, handicap and disability rights, and entrepreneurialism.

Click here to learn more or register!