June 27, 2017Help Whitney Young Health Center’s WIC Raise Goods for Annual World Breastfeeding Week Celebration
Whitney Young Health’s WIC office is currently one of the highest breastfeeding initiation rates in the Capital District. This year, in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, Whitney Young Health WIC will be hosting a health fair for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to assist them in getting more resources and goods to be successful! To secure these items, we need your help!
From Monday, July 3rd to Friday, July 7th, WIC will have a “Sprinkle Before the Shower,” where those who want to donate items baby items such as, toys, clothes, breastfeeding supplies, diapers, boopie pillows and other baby necessities can. All donations can be brought to the WIC office or you can call Kelsey Munn at ext. 4907 if they need to pick up goods from your location. Please keep in mind this celebration is for World Breastfeeding Week. WIC will not be accepting any donations of baby bottles, pacifiers, and/or formula. All donations may be gently used EXCLUDING breastfeeding supplies which needs to be new.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Kelsey Munn RD, CLC at or 518.465.4771 ext. 4907.
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