
December 3, 2015

Getting Ahead in a Just Getting-by World

The Schenectady Public Library in partnership with Schenectady Bridges are offering a free 12 week long program for adults ages 18 and up from January 6 to March 23, 2016, 1 – 2:30 p.m.

Getting Ahead in a Just Getting –by World is a class for adults moving from one stage of life to another. The class helps people build their resources for a more prosperous life for themselves, their families, and their communities. In the Getting Ahead learning circles, participants reflect on and examine relevant information, assess resources, make plans for their future story, and choose a support team to help them fulfill their dream. Participants also offer ideas for building a prosperous community where everyone lives well.

Sessions will be held in the Swanker Board Room at the Central Library. This program is free for participants with the cost of books and other materials paid for by a grant from the Schenectady Foundation.

Applications for the Getting Ahead program can be filled out at the reference desk at the Central Library.

The Schenectady county Public Library is located at 99 Clinton St in downtown Schenectady.  For more information on this and other events contact us at 518.388.4500 or visit us online at