
December 3, 2020

Downtown’s Shop & Savor smAlbany Happening Now

O’Connell & Aronowitz presents Shop & Savor smAlbany, two weeks of promotions celebrating and showcasing downtown Albany’s independent businesses this holiday season.

This year, it’s more important than ever to shop small. As an extension of the annual Small Business Saturday event, Downtown’s Shop & Savor smAlbany will run for two consecutive weeks, from Saturday, November 28 through Saturday, December 12. For a full list of Small Business Saturday and Shop & Savor smAlbany deals and promotions, visit

Shop smAlbany Week, from November 28 to December 5, will highlight Downtown retailers, entertainment establishments, fitness and personal service businesses; Savor smAlbany Week, from December 5 to 12, will showcase Downtown dining. To encourage the community to support Downtown’s locally owned and operated businesses during the holiday season, receipts from any purchase made at a Downtown business during these two weeks can be submitted for a chance to win a Shop Small tote bag filled with $500 in merchandise and gift cards from Downtown businesses.

Customers who submit information on purchases – which includes dining in or ordering out from Downtown restaurants, buying items from Downtown retailers online or in-store, personal care appointments including haircuts, gift card purchases, and donations to non-profit organizations – will also be entered to win one of six $50 gift cards to a Downtown business of their choice. Participants can receive a bonus entry by making purchases on Small Business Saturday or by using #DowntownAlbany when sharing pictures of their purchases on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Proof of purchase must be submitted to by 8:30 AM on Monday, December 14 to be eligible. Each receipt will count toward one entry in the contest; there is no limit to the number of entries a participant can make. No purchase necessary; visit to enter without submitting receipts.

While exploring dining and shopping options, visitors can also experience the Downtown Albany BID’s 2020 Placemaking exhibit, “Winter Wonderland.” Throughout Downtown, storefronts at 18 businesses have been transformed into public art space by local artists who utilized everything from temporary murals to origami displays. The exhibit will be on display through February 2021.