July 24, 2017Calling all Millionaire Wannabes
A million dollars isn’t what it used to be. None-the-less, having a $million is reasonably achievable. Guess where most millionaires live? In middle-class and blue collar neighborhoods! This was one of the surprising facts discovered by authors Thomas Stanley and William Danko in their book, “The Millionaire Next Door.” This is good news, because it means that becoming a millionaire is within reach of many of us. Forget lottery tickets. To win a $million, your chances are 10 times better to be struck by lightning.
Niskayuna Rotary will host a discussion on wealth-building strategies, August 1, from 7:15 AM to 8:15 AM at the Blue Ribbon Restaurant & Bakery, 1801 State St (Route 5). Everyone is invited.