
December 30, 2016

All for One, and a Win for All!

This holiday season The Capital Region Chamber was approached by the Salvation Army to take on a friendly competition with our friends at the Saratoga County Chamber called the “Chamber Challenge.”  The organization that collected the most donations would be the winner. Though we all love a good contest, we knew the ultimate goal was to help families in need. The possibility of making this holiday season a little brighter for some was just too good to pass up! It’s sometimes easy to take what we have for granted, so we decided to take time to give back.

We humbly accepted the challenge to ring the bell on Thursday, December 22 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at one of the famous red kettles at the Price Chopper Market Bistro in Latham, while the Saratoga Chamber did the same at the Market 32 in Wilton. Between online donations and those in the kettle at the end of the challenge, the Capital Region Chamber raised $1273.10, and the Saratoga County Chamber raised $938.78.

Though we were were technically the victors, the ultimate winner was the Salvation Army and those they help, with much-needed donations of almost $2000! Our hearts were warmed to help our community. Many thanks to our Business Referral Group members and our Ambassadors Council for volunteering: Roderick Sipe, Kyle Schoonmaker, Brandy Hazzard, Ron Schimpf, Sabrina Heilman, Karen Stratton, Paula Zink and Alan Baker!