
April 21, 2021

Alerts & Conditions – Saratoga National Historical Park

Tour Road Closed for Road Improvements

The National Park Service will be undertaking critical road and parking lot repairs to address safety and accessibility issues in parking lots and other unsafe pavement conditions on the Tour Road. This investment in the park infrastructure will improve access, safety, and overall condition of pavement which will prolong the life of park assets and allow us to safely serve the public for years to come.

Starting on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, the entire Tour Road will be closed to vehicular traffic. Bicycles and pedestrians will have access to the first half of Tour Road up to the Service Road (just past Stop 5) and will detoured back to the Visitor Center via the Service Road. The Tour Road will be closed to all traffic after the Service Road prior to Stop 6. This work is expected to be completed and the road opened as soon as safe travel is possible on Friday, April 23, 2021. Visitors should be mindful of construction vehicles and paving activities at Stop 2. The Wilkinson Trail will remain open during the work.

For more information about Saratoga National Historical Park, please call the Visitor Center at (518) 670-2985, visit, or find the park on Facebook or Twitter @SaratogaNHP.