
June 10, 2020

Albany Public Library Preparing to Resume In-Person Services

Albany Public Library is beginning to prepare for the resumption of in-person services with the return of staff to the buildings.

“We are excited to see staff return to work in our library buildings after several long months of working from home creating virtual programs, providing information through a virtual reference desk, and crafting plans to resume in-person services for our patrons,” said APL Executive Director Scott C. Jarzombek. “Getting staff into the buildings is an important first step. It allows us to implement safety protocols, adjust furniture and work stations for social distancing, and prepare the libraries for safe patron interactions.”

When the Capital Region was cleared to enter New York State reopening Phase 2 last week, the library officially entered Phase 1A of its Continuation of Service Plan. Facilities staff began regular schedules in the buildings on June 8, and the rest of the staff will report to work in the buildings on June 15. The library is following state guidelines regarding staff placement and scheduling.

“After staff are in place, we will begin gearing up to open our book drops and start curbside pickup for requested items. These services are expected to start in the next few weeks,” Jarzombek said. Both services are in APL Phase 1B.

When the book drops open sometime next week, patrons can return all of the library books, DVDs, and other items they have at home. APL is a fine-free library, so there will be no late fines for any returned items. To ensure the safety of materials, returned items will be quarantined for 72 hours before they are checked in and put back into the collection for others to borrow.

Curbside pickup for requested items is the next service in line and will begin at select library branches a few weeks after the book drops open. Staff are finalizing a plan where patrons can use several methods to contact the library and request items from the APL collection that will be brought to a specific branch for contactless pickup.

After curbside pickup is up and running, patrons will be welcome to visit select library branches for appointment-only services. Details for this in-person service, which falls into APL Phase 2A, are also being finalized.

“The safety of our staff and patrons is paramount in our phased approach to resuming in-person services. We designed the plan so we could make adjustments along the way to account for changes in public health and safety recommendations and staff capacity,” Jarzombek said. Moving into each subsequent phase of the APL plan is contingent on the library’s capability to expand services and current public health recommendations.

The APL Continuation of Service Plan contains these phases, and the full plan can be viewed on the library’s website or at

Phase 1A: Staff Return to Buildings | The buildings will remain closed, but staff will return in alternating shifts. Select buildings (those to be opened in the next phase) will be cleaned and sanitized. Staff will complete job-specific duties and tasks, and continue to deliver virtual services, programs, and materials.

Phase 1B: Alternative Delivery Options for Material | The library will begin to provide physical materials to patrons via curbside pickup at limited locations. Patrons will be able request material online or by phone, and book drops will reopen. UHLS will restart courier delivery service of physical materials among member libraries. The buildings will remain closed to patrons and most other facets of the previous phase will continue.

Phase 2A: Opening of Selected Locations with Patron In-Building Use by Appointment Only | Select library branches will open with reduced hours. In-person library transactions will be done by appointment only. There will be no in-building programs, and no use of meeting rooms or study rooms. Staff will begin limited outreach and coordinated projects with external partners. Most other facets of the previous phase will remain in place.

Phase 2B: Opening of Selected Locations with Strict Headcount | Select library branches will be open with a strict headcount for the number of patrons allowed inside. The branches will continue to have reduced hours and services. There will still be no programs, meeting rooms, or study rooms. Most other facets of the previous phase will remain in place.

Phase 3A: Opening of All Locations with Headcount | All library branches will be open with headcounts for the number of patrons allowed inside and limited hours. There will continue to be no programs, meeting rooms, or study rooms. There will be limits on certain services. Most other facets of the previous phase will remain in place.

Phase 3B: Regular Hours Resume with Headcount | All branches will resume regular operating hours. A strict headcount for the number of patrons allowed in each building will remain in place. There will still be no programs, meeting rooms, or study rooms, along with limits on certain services. Most other facets of the previous phase will remain in place.

Phase 4A: Unrestricted Regular Hours | Patrons will be allowed into all buildings without a headcount. The branches will continue regular hours. There will still be limits on certain services, along with no programs, meeting rooms, and study rooms. Most other facets of the previous phase will remain in place.

Phase 4B: Easing Patron Restrictions | Programming begins in the branches on a limited basis with hard caps for attendance and the number of programs offered at each location. Those programs will be open to Albany residents only. Meeting rooms will open with a limit of no more than 10 people per room. Study rooms will remain closed, and there will be limits on certain services. Most facets of the previous phase will remain.

Phase 5: New Normal Operations | Library programming will expand with limits on the number of attendees and number of programs. Meeting rooms will continue with limits on the number of people in the meeting. Study rooms will be open by appointment. Use of computers and equipment will require patrons to adhere to social distancing guidelines. The library will incorporate self-checkout stations. Virtual services, programs, and materials will continue for patrons who cannot or choose not to visit branches in person. Expanded safety and cleaning protocols will continue.