
June 20, 2019

Albany Cyber Resiliency Workshop to Take Place on June 26 at the University at Albany

Cyber Resilience is the ability of the enterprise to adapt to cyber-attacks and emergency events that impact the confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) of business operations.

FEMA Region II, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and CyberProtex, a cyber engineering and training company, are presenting a series of five one-day Cyber Resiliency workshops to be conducted in New York City and other Region II locations in the Northeastern United States.

The Albany workshop is taking place on Wednesday, June 26 from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the University at Albany, located at 135 Western Avenue, Milne 001, Albany, NY 12203. Click here for the agenda and here to register.

The one-day workshop will introduce best practices in cyber resiliency, seek to foster communication within companies, entities and industries to strengthen resiliency capabilities, and will identify continuity and crisis management planner’s potential gaps in response capabilities. Attendees will hear subject matter experts on best practices; question a panel of experts on what works or does not work for them; review current real-world case studies; and learn more about resources available in the community and state.

Malicious actors, from state-sponsored players to criminal enterprises, will exploit vulnerabilities as well as crisis situations to attack critical infrastructure and crucial businesses. Building a culture of relationships between stakeholders, IT professionals, continuity managers, and others within an organization, public or private, and across an industry will improve operational resilience.


The overall goal will be to strengthen and promote the flow of information and discussion between professionals attending to improve operational resilience and preparedness for meeting future cyber-attack challenges:

• Raise awareness as to the integral role stakeholders, management, IT and others play in the process of identifying and assessing risks by keeping each other informed.

• Reinforce maintaining working partnerships within and outside of an entity to prevent vulnerabilities and improve response/resiliency. Consequences from potentially significant cyber incidents can be minimized through coordinated community-wide response efforts.

• Identify gaps that experts have encountered and ask participants to review their own continuity plans and procedures considering information shared by speakers, panels, and meeting others in the same and different industries.

• Discuss processes to maintain and carry out operations from best practices, such as redundancy of mission-critical systems, to successful resiliency examples, such as Evertech during Hurricane Maria.

• Highlight areas for improvement and to anticipate and adapt to ever-changing attacks, resource demands and rules and regulations.

Target audience

Cyber Resiliency capability does not rest in the hands of one person or one department. Multiple departments and personnel working in communication with each other are best able to prevent, detect, respond and recover from cyber incidents.

This cyber resiliency workshop will be of value to:

• Business management

• Business Continuity

• Emergency management

• Security Analysts and Administrators

• Database administrators

• Information Technology Analysts

• Computer Network Specialists

• Health & Safety Managers

Click here to register.