May 14, 20182018 Citizen Laureate Honorees Announced
The University at Albany Foundation has announced the 2018 Citizen Laureate awardees: civic pioneers and activists Peter and Barbara Pryor; accountant and community leader Richard Kotlow; and educator, research scientist and university administrator Karen R. Hitchcock, Ph.D. They will be honored at the 39th annual Citizen Laureate Awards Dinner on Thursday, Nov. 1.
The Citizen Laureate Awards recognize outstanding leaders in business and industry, government, and academia, and are the most prestigious honors bestowed by The Foundation. Hitchcock, former president of UAlbany, will receive the Academic Laureate Award, and the Pryors and Kotlow will each be recognized as Community Laureates at the ceremony. Proceeds from the dinner benefit the Foundation and student scholarships.
Funds raised through the Citizen Laureate Awards event will support The University at Albany Foundation’s student programs and its ability to ensure access to the finest higher education experience possible. Established in 1967 to encourage philanthropic support, The Foundation continues to advance the University’s strategic goals and sponsors efforts to build ties to the community.
To learn more about the event, visit the UAlbany Citizen Laureate website or contact the Office of University Events at (518) 442-5310.