
September 28, 2017

DeCrescente Distributing Company (DDC) Announces Recertification by OSHA as a SHARP Site

(Left to right) Kate Otis- DDC Director of Community Relations, Geoffrey Holodook, Supervising Safety Consultant & NYS SHARP Program Coordinator for NYS Dept. of Labor, Ray Cordani DDC Safety & Loss Prevention, Aileen Flach DDC Vice President Human Resources, Carmine DeCrescente DDC Vice President, CJ DeCrescente DDC President, Tom Turcotte DDC Vice President of Operations, Russ Teplitzky DDC General Manager

DeCrescente Distributing Company (DDC) is proud to announce recertification by OSHA as a SHARP site in New York State, holding that distinction every year since 2006.

The Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) award is earned by companies that create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace for their employees by identifying and implementing best practices to protect workers, creating a culture that focuses on safety and maintaining a workplace injury rate that is under the national average for the industry.

DDC meets or exceeds all requirements with an injury rate that is approximately half the national rate for our industry. Currently there are only 55 companies in New York State that are SHARP certified and in 2006, DDC was the first beverage distributor in New York State designated as a SHARP site. Today, there are only two other beverage distributors in New York State that share this prestigious award.

At the award presentation, DDC President CJ DeCrescente, said, “This honor is truly meaningful to us. While efficiency is important, we can’t do it at the expense of the safety of our employees. Our folks have been extremely receptive in understanding the importance of safety in the workplace and should take great pride in this recognition.”