
May 9, 2016

Leadership Tech Valley Class of 2016 Officially Opens Renovated Little League Field

Join the Leadership Tech Valley (LTV) Class of 2016 for the official ribbon cutting of the newly renovated Troy Central Little League field. The class, which includes 36 highly driven leaders from throughout the Capital Region, chose the Little League for its class project, renovating two baseball fields, a concession stand, dugouts, bleachers, picnic tables and more. The class also plans to establish a baseball scholarship to assist children and families with registrations fees and equipment purchases.

In the North Central neighborhood, where crime and unemployment rates are highest in the City of Troy, this park serves as a conduit for positive action. As the community continues to see churches, schools and other neighborhood resources close their doors, it becomes increasingly important to salvage existing community space. The revitalization of this park has provided a much-needed facelift to an important community resource, making it more accessible to families and enhancing its use for purposes beyond Little League.

The class raised and secured nearly $60,000 in funding and in-kind services in order to complete the upgrades. Leadership Tech Valley, an initiative of the Capital Region Chamber and a program of the Capital Chamber Foundation, is a dynamic, interactive program that provides skill development and community immersion experiences that enable participants to grow personally and professionally as they explore issues and opportunities in the Capital Region.  M&T Bank is the program’s presenting sponsor.

When: Friday, May 20, 11 a.m.

Where: 3218 7th Avenue Troy, NY 12180 


Joe Landy, Leadership Tech Valley Class of 2016

Mike Keegan, M&T Bank

Mark Eagan, Capital Region Chamber

Mac Henderson, Troy Central Little League President

NYS Senator Neil D. Breslin

Assemblymember John T. McDonald

Rensselaer County Executive Kathleen Jimino

City of Troy Mayor Patrick Madden

For more information contact:  Joe Landy:


Hall of Fame Sponsor: CEO

Grand Slam Sponsors: Albany Med EmUrgent Care, A.R. Contracting, Brown’s Brewing Company, Excelsior College and MVP Health Care

Home Run Sponsors: 1st National Bank of Scotia, Adirondack Health & Wellness, CDPHP, HVCC, Key Bank, Lowes, M&T, Price Chopper and Turner Construction

Triple Sponsors: AYCO, Ellis, Fortitech-DSM, Lavelle & Finn, McNamee Lochner Titus & Williams, NBT, Redmark Realty, Saratoga National Bank & Trust Company, Saratoga Sod, SEFCU, Subway Development, Towne TV/Marcella’s Appliances, UHY LLP, Victory Church of Albany, Whirlpool and Wilson Elser

Line Drive Sponsors: Arbonne, Baseball Hall of Fame, CMC Design Studio LLC, Chemung Canal Trust Company; c/o Capital Bank, Foresters Financial-Matt Greenwood, Garelick Farms, Germania Hall, Hannaford, Hotel Northwoods, MarEle, Napoli, NexGen, Park Pub, Party City, Passonno Paints, Tri-City Valley Cats, Troy Web Consulting – Jon Briccetti, Union College and Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP