
April 7, 2016

The APF to Honor Steve Caporizzo at Tails by Twilight-Spring Fling

The Animal Protective Foundation is proud to announce that their 2016 Tails by Twilight–Spring Fling Animal Advocacy Award Winner is Steve Caporizzo–NEWS 10 Meteorologist and host of “Pet Connection”. The APF’s signature event will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at Glen Sanders Mansion in Scotia. “Steve is a leader in the animal advocacy community and we are thrilled to recognize him with this award”, says Deb Balliet, Executive Director at the APF. “We think there is no more deserving person and we are delighted to highlight Steve’s work on behalf of homeless, neglected abused pets and promote the impact we all can have on our furry four-legged friends.”

Tails by Twilight is the APF’s most distinguished event of the year and is attended by more than 300 influential business professionals, community leaders, and philanthropic donors. The event will be emceed by Liz Bishop of CBS 6 and includes an extraordinary silent auction and dynamic live auction event led by celebrity auctioneer LeGrande Serras.

The gala is dedicated to providing funding for the APF’s companion animal shelter and community spay and neuter clinic so that they may give medical attention, housing, food, and behavioral training to the thousands of cats and dogs who come through their doors.
Seats are going fast, so please call Colleen at 518.374.3944 Ext 122 or visit the Animal Protective County website to get your tickets today!

Click here to get your tickets now!