March 9, 2016Clarify Your Message and Speak with Unity
Seats filled? Abundant participation? Unbridled enthusiasm for your vision?
If this isn’t your reality, join Fred Daniels, a marketing expert, at a series of working lunches to train you in creating, unifying and delivering your message to the world on April 6, April 20 and May 4 from 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. at Pine Grove United Methodist Church, 1580 Central Avenue, Albany.
Many devote significant resources to publishing materials which are unfocused and unread, and don’t take advantage of the impact that a message offers when it is unified across all communication channels – bulletin, newsletter, in-house message platforms and social media.
Session 1 will focus on elements of an effective message, drawing your reader in to hold their attention. You will work with examples and consider how to organize a message that can be effectively utilized.
Session 2 will demonstrate the communications audit, looking at examples of messaging which is unified and comprehensive. Learn how each valuable message channel can reinforce the others with simple techniques.
Session 3 will unify the first two classes by critiquing and praising messaging efforts volunteered by class members. Homework will have been assigned, and attendees can present their efforts for discussion. 30 Minute Bonus content follows Session 3 and will help you understand the most elusive marketing target – the 30/40 something future member – those poised to engage and participate in your institution.