
December 3, 2015

SICM to Benefit from Community Shopping Event at Ten Thousand Villages in Stuyvesant Plaza

Ten Thousand Villages is an organization which creates opportunities for artisans in developing countries to earn income by bringing their products and stories to their markets through long-term, fair trading relationships.  Schenectady Inner City Ministry (SICM) is an ecumenical partnership of 50 congregations for ministries of social service and social justice.  SICM, with and for the churches, addresses current issues such as food insecurity, affordable housing initiatives, health and fitness, various economic development initiatives, and collaborations such as the Committee for Social Justice, Community Crisis Network, and Schenectady County Embraces Diversity.

Ten Thousand Villages will provide a Community Shopping Event, an opportunity for shoppers to support SICM when they shop at the Stuyvesant Plaza store on Thursday, December 10, from 5 – 9 p.m.  During that time, a percentage of sales will be donated to SICM to support its many ministries, including the Emergency Food Pantry.  “We are pleased to be able to work with Ten Thousand Villages and appreciate their support of SICM and its programs,” said Rev. Phillip N. Grigsby, Executive Director of SICM.  “We hope that folks will come out not only to shop for some unique gifts, but also to help SICM out.”