
July 20, 2022

Focused on Nutrition

When you imagine someone receiving food from a Food Bank, you may not envision boxes brimming with fresh produce, dairy products, and meat. But at the Regional Food Bank, we have aimed to continually increase the quantity of fresh, nutritious food we provide – food we are proud to serve and food our neighbors in need are grateful to receive. Take a look at the breakdown by category of our 2021 food distribution to the left. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of our food sourcing staff, more than 88% of our distributed food is now comprised of healthy staples like fruits and vegetables, grains, dairy, meat, and other protein. That’s 8% more than in 2020, and with supply chain issues making it more difficult than ever to source that nutritious food, this is a feat we are extremely proud of!

In addition to a robust assortment of nutritious food, last year the Food Bank also provided nearly 2 million pounds of non-food items like household paper products, personal hygiene items, diapers, cleaning products, and more. These are items that cannot be purchased using SNAP benefits and are extremely valuable to our network of partner agencies and our neighbors in need.

Our ability to provide such high-quality, nutritious food and other essential items is dependent on support from friends like you. If you have recently contributed to our efforts, we can’t thank you enough. If you would like to contribute, you may do so at the link below.

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