
January 27, 2021

miSci Presents Virtual Classes During Mid-Winter Break

The Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) is offering five virtual classes during the February mid-winter school break. miSci science communicators will present daily hands-on experiments on Zoom February 15 through 19, from 1 to 2 p.m. Each class includes a materials kit that can be picked up at miSci. The kit contains instructions and all of the items needed to perform the day’s science activity at home.

The complete lineup is as follows:

Fly, Fly Butterfly!
Monday, February 15, 1–2 p.m.
What makes a butterfly an insect? Discover the amazing world of the butterfly, learn the basics of butterfly anatomy, understand the lifecycle of butterflies, and see its fascinating metamorphosis. Students attending will use their artistic skills and materials kit to create their own symmetrical butterfly.
Hosted on Zoom
Best for grades: K–3
Fee: $20

Constellations, What’s Your Story?
Tuesday, February 16, 1–2 p.m.
Patterns and shapes in the stars are called constellations. People from cultures throughout the world made up stories about constellations and would use them as a map to tell direction. Hear some of these stories and learn how they were used to navigate and even tell time! With the materials kit, attendees will build a book of constellations and create a simulated telescope to see their favorite group of stars.
Hosted on Zoom
Best for grades: K–3
Fee: $20

Nano, The Smallest of Them All!
Wednesday, February 17, 1–2 p.m.
The smallest things around us make a big difference. Learn about how things at the nanoscale act in unexpected ways, and how nanotechnology is used in everyday products like computers, food, and clothing. Attendees will use their materials kit to participate in five different small-scale experiments and demonstrations.
Hosted on Zoom
Best for grades: K–3
Fee: $20

Landing on the Red Planet
Thursday, February 18, 1–2 p.m.
Learn about Perseverance Rover’s entry, descent, and landing on Mars on February 18, 2021. Attendees will use their materials kit to discover how engineers work by designing, testing, evaluating, and redesigning a shock-absorbing system that protects two marshmallow “astronauts” while they land on Mars.
Hosted on Zoom
Best for grades: K–3
Fee: $20

I Tricked You: Optical Illusions Demonstration
Friday, February 19, 1–2 p.m.
Trick your eyes and brain with optical illusions and discover how artists have used techniques to trick us for hundreds of years. Learners observe a real cow’s eye dissection and learn about how the parts of the eye work together to create our sense of sight. Finally, registrants will create their own optical illusion trick using their materials kit.
Hosted on Zoom
Best for grades: 3–5
Fee: $20

All classes include a live presentation with a miSci educator, materials for hands-on experiments, and extra activities for young scientists to explore on their own after the live session.

Links to join the virtual presentations will be emailed to registrants the week prior to the events.

*Note: Materials kits will be available via curbside pick-up at miSci from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, February 11, and Friday, February 12.

Sign up online using the following link:

Or sign up by contacting Cindy DeMarco, miSci’s Reservationist, by email at or by phone at (518) 382-7890, ext. 228.