November 13, 2019Share your Expertise by taking the 60 Second Fall 2019 Alaant Hiring Survey
Don’t miss your chance to participate in the Fall 2019 Alaant Hiring Index!
This bi-annual survey conducted exclusively by Alaant Workforce Solutions measures whether employers are hiring, the jobs they’re looking to fill, the challenges they face, and their expectations for the new year.
Please share your expertise by taking 60 seconds or less to complete the survey. All answers are kept strictly confidential, with aggregate results to be released next month. The survey closes on Thursday, November 21 so don’t delay, take it today!
Click here to take the online Alaant Hiring Index survey
For more information on the Alaant Hiring Index:
Miriam Dushane, Managing Partner, Alaant Workforce Solutions | (518) 689-3138