
June 4, 2019

St. Catherine’s Center Announces Latest Initiative

St. Catherine’s Center is proud to announce that they will be building a new Supportive Housing Complex at 543 North Pearl Street in Albany. The existing structure at the building site is scheduled to be torn down this spring to make way for the new complex, a 20-apartment building that will house both families and single adults. New construction is expected to begin this summer, with completion of the project slated for 2020.

Supportive housing is a program that combines affordable housing with coordinated human services. The program is designed to help those struggling with chronic physical and mental health issues and trauma, a population with the greatest risk of being—or becoming—homeless. When St. Catherine’s new Supportive Housing Complex is built, occupants will not only enjoy a safe and affordable place to live, but they will also receive supportive or “wrap-around” services from St. Catherine’s staff. Those services will link tenants to a wide range of community services and support programs for which they may be eligible. From coordinating health care and counseling services to offering employment assistance, our Supportive Housing program will help tenants live with stability, autonomy, and dignity.