
July 16, 2018

You are the Missing Type – Help fill the gaps!

Red Cross Blood Drive

Tuesday, July 31st   1:00 – 6:00 pm

Crossroads Center for Children

1136 North Westcott Rd. Schenectady, NY 12306

in the cafeteria.

Imagine if someone you love needed a blood type that was missing from hospital shelves. If the American Red Cross doesn’t get more blood donors, this could be a reality. The need is critical. You can help keep loved ones alive. Patients are counting on blood donors to help fill the gaps to help ensure blood types, A, B & O, don’t go missing from the hospital shelves!

Donating is a simple process and only takes about an hour from start to finish. New donors, current donors, as well as those who haven’t given blood in a while can all do their important part to help fill the gaps and ensure blood is available for patients in need.

Join the Missing Types movement today by scheduling a critically important blood donation appointment at or by spreading the word on social media using the official #MissingType campaign hashtag. Even better – do both!

Learn more:

