January 25, 2018Voting is Open for New 2018 CDPHP Cycle! Locations
More than 20 new racks and 160 bikes are slated to arrive in early spring
The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) and CDPHP are excited to announce that the public will once again have a say in where CDPHP Cycle! bike racks are installed. For 2018, the system will expand to accommodate an additional 160 bikes and more than 20 new rack locations.
The public is encouraged to visit to vote on desired locations for stations. This feedback will be used along with information about population, city layouts, and existing bicycle infrastructure across the Capital Region to make decisions and plan with cities.
“I’m very excited about the expansion of CDPHP Cycle! after an impressive first season of service,” said John D. Bennett, MD, president and CEO of CDPHP. “This will ensure that even more Capital Region residents have access to a healthier mode of transportation in 2018 and beyond.”
“We are looking forward to doubling the CDPHP Cycle! network and offering even more mobility options for people in the Capital Region,” said David M. Stackrow, CDTA Board Chairman. “CDPHP Cycle! has been so successful – we are excited for the start of this next season and getting even more people on board.”
New rack locations will be announced in early spring. The kickoff for the 2018 season is weather dependent but is expected by late spring.