December 6, 2017First New York to Treat School Banker Just Like a Millionaire on December 5th
On Tuesday, December 5, 2017, Olive Stimac, a fourth grade student at Montessori Magnet Elementary School in the Albany City School District, will be treated just like a Millionaire for a Day by First New York Federal Credit Union.
First New York Federal Credit Union has been teaching thousands of area students for years to save their money through its KID$ (Keep Investing Dollars Savings) Program. To celebrate the students’ success, the credit union randomly selected a school banker to be treated like a millionaire. As the Millionaire for a Day, Olive Stimac and her classmates will be treated to a pizza party. In addition, Olive and five of her friends will be picked up from Montessori Magnet Elementary School by limousine, courtesy of Advantage Transit Group, and driven to First New York Federal Credit Union’s Albany branch at 818 Central Ave, Albany, NY. There they will meet credit union President/CEO, Lucy Halstead and Michelle Maneri from our Albany branch, receive a personal tour of the credit union, be treated to ice cream, then be driven home by limousine at the end of the day.
Olive, like many other students at Montessori Magnet Elementary School, makes deposits each week from money she has earned by doing chores, receiving allowance and birthday money.
“It is important that young children learn that making deposits every week and saving their money will enable them to purchase what they need, and later what they want,” commented Carol Valenza, V.P. of Marketing for First New York Federal Credit Union. “This is one of life’s most important skills to understand and have, and when young children are actively involved in saving money they will grow to become better money managers as adults,” stated Valenza.