August 8, 2017Metroplex Buys Two Properties from City of Schenectady
The Schenectady County Metroplex Development Authority today announced that it will purchase two properties from the City of Schenectady. The City Council has approved the property sales. The two properties are located at 601 Union Street and 2 Argyle Place.
The property at 2 Argyle Place is the former Club Illusion. Metroplex will demolish this building which is located just off the newly renovated Erie Boulevard near the Schenectady Armory.
Richard Ruzzo, Capital Region Land Bank Chair and a member of the Schenectady County Legislature said, “This is no illusion, the former Club Illusion will be coming down, improving both Erie Boulevard and the area near the renovated Schenectady Armory, which is now hosting many community and sporting events.”
Mayor Gary McCarthy said, “This is another blighted property that we are pleased to be rid of. When the club was operational there were many police calls to this location. The City, County and Metroplex are working together to rid Schenectady of derelict properties like this one.”
The City IDA, the Capital Region Land Bank and Metroplex recently took ownership of the former Chubby’s convenience store on Crane Street which had over 500 police calls in one year. The building will be knocked down and replaced with a new County library branch.
Metroplex will buy the Club Illusion property for $1,000 and pay for the cost of demolition.
The second property at 601 Union Street is a vacant lot that Metroplex has already repaired and used as a parking area for lower Union Street businesses. Metroplex recently completed an environmental clean-up of the site including the removal of an old fuel oil tank.
“We have invested $20,000 to date and plan to make additional upgrades to the parking lot, making it an official Metroplex parking lot, the 11th surface lot in our downtown parking system,” said Ray Gillen, Chair of the Schenectady County Metroplex Development Authority.
City Council President Leesa Perazzo said, “Ample parking in close proximity to downtown destinations creates a positive experience for our visitors so this improved parking area on lower Union Street will be a benefit to local businesses and to downtown. As for Club Illusion, we are glad to see this blight being removed.”
Metroplex plans to close on the two properties in the next few months and will begin demolition after going out for competitive bids.