March 28, 2017Workplace Violence Prevention
Workplace violence is a problem that has received increasing attention in recent years. It can encompass everything from co-worker conflict and bullying, to client/customer assault on staff, to workplace homicide. When it occurs, the impact on both the targeted individual and the entire organization can be severe. This workshop will describe workplace violence in all of its manifestations, discuss potential causes and risk factors, and describe what a comprehensive workplace violence prevention program encompasses.
Guest Speaker: Matt London – Director of the NorthEast Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (NENYCOSH) and also works as a consultant.
Matt London has worked in occupational health and safety for 30 years, first at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducting Health Hazard Evaluations. Beginning in 1987, Matt worked at the NYS Department of Health (DOH), helping to develop New York’s statewide Occupational Health Clinic Network and overseeing DOH’s industrial hygiene activities. From 2004-2014, Matt worked for the New York State Public Employees Federation (PEF) in the Health and Safety Department. During that time, Matt was project coordinator for two NIOSH-funded workplace violence prevention projects conducted within NYS government. These were conducted jointly with the University of Maryland-Baltimore School of Nursing (UMB), and the work resulted in the publication of numerous peer-reviewed articles and the book “Not Part of the Job: How to Take a Stand Against Violence in the Work Setting.” Currently, Matt is the Director of the NorthEast Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (NENYCOSH) and also works as a consultant.