
March 8, 2017

2017 Labor & Employment Law Update What’s New, What’s Hot, What’s Next

With the close of the Obama administration and the start of the Trump administration, employers face new and different employment and labor law concerns.  This program will get you caught up on developments at both the federal and state level, and provide practical guidance on what they mean for your organization.

This year’s legal update will address:

  • wage and hour developments including an update on the US DOL’s white collar exemption regulations
  • New York developments including the wage payment regulations, changes to the salary threshold and minimum wage, and paid family leave
  • the latest from the EEOC on harassment and retaliation
  • expansion of New York Human Rights Law protections to association and relationship status
  • enforcement and litigation trends
  • what’s on the horizon in 2017

And much, much more!

Guest Speaker: John M. Bagyi, Esq., SPHR, SHRM-SCP

Date:   Thursday, March 30, 2017
Registration and Breakfast Buffet:  8:00 – 8:30 a.m.
Program:   8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Location:   Columbia Greene Community College, Professional Academic Center – Room 611-613,
4400 Rte. 23, Hudson, New York 12534

Cost:  $25.00 per person with pre registration; $30 per person at the door