
November 10, 2016

Sage Lights Up Blue for Diabetes Awareness Month

The Sage Colleges kicked off National Diabetes Awareness Month on Friday, November 4, 2016 by lighting up Bush Memorial Center on its Russell Sage College campus blue. National Diabetes Awareness Month is a way to raise awareness about the disease which more than 29 million Americans suffer from.

According to the American Diabetes Association 1 in 11 Americans has diabetes, and over 86 million Americans are at risk for diabetes. Diabetes causes more deaths than AIDS and breast cancer combined.

World Diabetes Day is November 14, 2016 and was founded in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation to raise awareness about the disease.  November 14 is the birthday of Dr. Frederick Banting who co-discovered insulin in 1921.

Bush Memorial Center will remain illuminated in blue throughout the month of November.