
April 19, 2017

Fundraising with a Strategy

Thu, April 20, 2017 – 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

We all know that a planned giving strategy is important to any successful
fundraising plan. But where do you start? And how do you administer it? This
seminar will help development professionals answer those questions and more!
Susan Diamond MSW, FRC is Philanthropy Strategist, Principal & Founder at
Link2Change. Link2Change is a philanthropic resource for affluent
individuals/families, professional advisers, foundations, and nonprofits who
want to catalyze change, meet community needs, and achieve measurable
results. Karla M. Gareau, MBA is a financial representative with the Wealth
Advisory Group. Karla specializes in working with non-profits and their donors
to provide a specialized plan that will enhance the donor’s legacy. We hope
you will join for this free seminar!

Wealth Advisory Group, Latham, NY

Click Here To Register Today!