
March 18, 2022

Arrow Family of Companies Donates $674,000 and 7,757 Volunteer Hours in 2021

The Arrow Family of Companies is proud to share its charitable giving increased to $674,000 and Arrow Team volunteerism exceeded 7,700 hours in 2021 throughout an eight-county footprint from Albany to Plattsburgh. Of the total giving, more than $105,000 was donated directly by employees via payroll contributions and fundraising.

During 2021, Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, Saratoga National Bank and Trust Company, and Upstate Agency, LLC supported hundreds of community organizations, business associations and local non-profits to help meet the ever-evolving needs of their communities.

In addition to sponsorships and financial contributions, team volunteerism is a big part of the company commitment to each community served. In 2021, Arrow team members logged 7,757 volunteer hours. More than 40 percent of those hours impacted organizations assisting underserved people and communities.

“Through volunteerism and charitable contributions, we supported a wide range of organizations and community needs in 2021. I am especially proud of the hours and dollars contributed directly by our employees,” said Arrow Financial Corporation President and CEO Thomas J. Murphy. “Giving back is an important part of who we are as a Company. Our Team demonstrates with each hour volunteered and dollar donated that we are neighbors as well as financial professionals.”

The 2021 charitable contributions benefited a range of causes, including food insecurity, safe and affordable housing, emergency services, financial empowerment, economic and workforce development, youth and senior services, sports and recreation, animal welfare, arts and culture, environmental sustainability, and health and human services. More than 60 percent of the donations were dedicated to organizations helping low-to-moderate income individuals, families and areas.