
September 8, 2016

Insightful Concert/Workshop at Unity Church in Albany

threattCharley Threat will make a two day visit to Unity Church in Albany on Sunday, September 18 and Monday, September 19. He will participate in the church’s 9:00 am and 11:00 am Sunday morning services by providing the music and message and will perform Concert/Workshop from 1:00 to 3:30 pm.  He will also provide a Workshop on Monday evening 7:00 to 9:00 pm.  The church is located at 21 King Avenue at the corner of Bradford St. in Albany. Concert and workshop tickets are $20 and will be available at the door. There is no admission fee for the morning service. Free will offerings are welcome.

Charley Thweatt has a talent for turning a room full of strangers into connected family, by sharing his original music, his angelic voice and his insightful workshops. His concerts can be described as a bath of healing energy and joyous song. It is a blend of simple wisdom and invisible words. It’s where pure love meets pure laughter.  Come sit in the warm glow of his beautiful music, song by a clear and moving voice.   You will be changed for the better. The concert/workshop on Sunday afternoon is entitled “Here Between Heaven”.  The first half of will be a straight forward concert followed by a short interactive spiritual workshop with music.  On Monday evening, he will discuss “How to Take Your Power Back” by looking at 3 major spiritual principles which can change your life.

Unity Church is an ecumenical Christian “New Thought” church. Unity offers instruction, inspiration and prayer support for spiritual seekers, regardless of their religious affiliation, Christian or other. The Unity movement was founded in 1889 in Kansas City, Missouri, by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, beginning as an interdenominational prayer circle and comprising about 1,000 churches worldwide today.

Threatt’s website: