January 7, 2021Community Caregivers Partners with AARP to Present a 3-Week Series on Brain Health
AARP’s brain health program is on the side of science. Through relationships with key experts in the field, AARP has developed brain health tools and resources that reflect the latest thinking in scientific research.
o Scientific research suggests multiple factors could positively impact your brain health. AARP’s brain health program addresses five main areas that research has shown to support the brain: keeping fit, learning more, managing stress, eating right, being social and restorative sleep.
o These six brain health pillars are at the core of AARP’s brain health work, including the Brain Health Center and Staying Sharp membership offering. Staying Sharp, for example, offers specific activities in each of the five areas that you can take to complement your lifestyle, because research has demonstrated that brain health can be boosted through challenging and stimulating your brain throughout your life.
Because AARP’s work is driven by science, AARP will evolve its brain health program to reflect the most up-to-date research findings and information.
This series will be offered on January 12, January 19, and January 26, 2021.
The program starts at 1:00PM and lasts approximately 45 minutes.
These presentations are free and open to everyone.
Join us for one, or for all sessions by dialing: 518-992-6661.
No computer or zoom account is needed. There is no access code.
Questions? Call Community Caregivers at 518-456-2898.