Our Region
Our region has broad appeal; some know us by our cities: Albany, Saratoga, Schenectady and Troy, or by our suburbs. We are also familiar to many because we are the Capital of New York, and because of the many leading companies that are based here. Perhaps it’s because of our colleges and universities or the historic Saratoga Race Course. We most often refer to our collective self as the Capital Region, and we’re excited to be at the epicenter of New York’s Tech Valley.
With our strong quality of life and reputation in key industries like technology, clean energy, life sciences and advanced manufacturing, New York’s Capital Region is attracting businesses and talent from across the globe. We hope you’re considering investing or living in our community.
Where you live, in some part, impacts who you are. In the Capital Region, you can expand your definition of self in ways large and small.
What makes a community a good place to live? Is it the availability of jobs? First-rate healthcare? A variety of cultural and recreational activities? We believe it’s all this, as well as quality education and affordable housing.
We’re a community of young people, a community of professionals, educators and innovators, a community with great leisure activities, where arts, culture and nature are treasured. We’re a community that cares. We honor our historic past, celebrate today’s accomplishments and focus on tomorrow’s potential.
Take some time to discover who we are, what we can offer, and ways you can impact our region’s vitality. In the Capital Region, you can discover a new path or perfect the one you’re following. We offer the best of all worlds, the economic and cultural advantages of city life, with the beauty and serenity of our rural countryside.
We hope you’ll make the Capital Region your home.
We are fortunate to have quality public schools and a range of independent school options.
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Health Care
The foundation of a desirable community is the quality of health care offered to its citizens. As a major health care center, our residents have access to top-notch health care.
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Culture & Recreation
The Capital Region has an amazing number of arts, entertainment, sports, cultural and recreational options.
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Getting Around
Here, you can actually live where you work, with average commute times of only 20 minutes.
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