January 21, 2016YWCA Accepting Nominations for 2016 Women of Achievement Award
YWCA NorthEasternNY is accepting nominations for the 2016 Women of Achievement award. The nomination form can be downloaded from the website.
The Women of Achievement Award will be presented to at least five outstanding women who have demonstrated unusual achievement and distinction in career and/or community work and have made a difference in the elimination of discrimination on the basis of race, gender or creed. These nominees have overcome or helped to eliminate any racial, societal or professional barriers while serving as role models through the leadership qualities they exhibit. Should you have any questions, call Jo-Anne Voris Rafalik at the YWCA, 518.374.3394 ext. 105.
Please feel free to forward any questions to YWCA’s Fund Development email listed below. Nominations are due by Friday, January 29.