
August 20, 2020

Wellspring Makes Call for Gift Card Donations to Support Children Going Back to School

Whether back-to-school this year means learning from a classroom or learning from home, Wellspring needs your help!

If you’re not familiar with Wellspring they are domestic violence and sexual assault services resource for Saratoga County residents and the sexual assault services resource for Washington County residents. Wellspring’s mission is to support survivors and engage our community to end relationship and sexual abuse.

Instead of their annual back-to-school ‘store’, Wellspring is helping their clients and their families prepare for the start of the school year by giving them back to school shopping gift cards ($50 per child.) This will allow for clients to obtain whatever it is their children might need and to do so in whichever way feels safest for them!

Unfortunately, families struggling through domestic violence and sexual assault often face additional obstacles that make daily tasks more difficult. Your support will help alleviate some of the burden that exists so that they can prepare safely for their child’s school year.

Click here to learn more and make a donation.

Thank you for helping to support the Wellspring families!