
August 13, 2020

Utech Products Releases Automated Contact Tracing & Temperature Scanning System

Utech Products is pleased to announce the release of Tellisure™, an automated approach to contact tracing and temperature management entry procedures. Through the Tellisure™ facial recognition kiosk, users are temperature screened, vetted, and approved for building entry without any additional staffing.

In the past few months, implementing and staffing contact tracing with building entry procedures has been a pain point for many businesses. “The ability to automate this process not only allows businesses to stay in compliance with CDC guidelines but to save money on manual screenings.” Said Rakesh Madan, CEO of Utech Products. “…This solution creates peace of mind for everyone.”

Tellisure™ works quickly and efficiently by reading and recording temperatures with facial recognition.  Almost instantaneously, an alert of normal or high temperature is visually and audibly provided. As a stand-alone kiosk, Tellisure™ is a plug & play system that can hold thousands of images and contacts that can be exported and stored for contact tracing. Tellisure™ is available with automatic door options and is compatible with most automatic door systems. Tellisure™ controls the access through the automatic door. It allows users to enter the premises only if the user body temperature is within the normal limits and sends alerts if the access is denied due to abnormal body temperature.

Tellisure™ is offered in 3 models to fit every setting:

  • Standard Entry- Ideal for retail, gyms, restaurants, churches, and anywhere that temperature screening is done. Tellisure™ standard entry enables users to take their temperature and verify mask usage with visual and audible alerts.
  • Office & School Contact Tracing Suite – Tellisure™ with Office/School Suite provides added features to the Standard Entry option which include, customizable health assessment questionnaires, attendance and phone/text alerts. When an employee/student is out sick, Tellisure™ will prompt that individual to complete a return to work/school questionnaire. System administrators have access to all of the system information for automated contact tracing. Administrators also receive notifications on all features to ensure every employee/student has completed the scanning and questions.
  • Healthcare Contact Tracing Suite – Tellisure™ with Healthcare Suite automates patient pre-visit questionnaires along with the day of temperature screenings and questionnaires. Pre-visit health assessments can be completed by integrating or uploading the patient schedule into Tellisure™. Once the schedule is loaded, this triggers texts to be sent out to patients to answer screening questions and upload a photo of themself.  On the day of the appointment, the patient will be alerted to complete the day-of questionnaire with a text message. Upon arrival, the patient will walk up to the Tellisure™ Kiosk for facial recognition and temperature screening.  Record of the entire process will then be sent to the check-in staff and/or EHR or downloaded.