
March 21, 2019

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunity with the Alliance for Positive Health

The Alliance for Positive Health invites you to donate your time and talent for the health and wellbeing of local residents and communities here in Northeastern New York!

What: 16th Annual Dining Out For Life® Event
When: All day on Thursday, April 25th
Where: Restaurants in Northeastern New York with locations in Albany, Hudson, Hudson Falls, Saratoga, Schenectady, Troy, Plattsburgh and more!
Who: 150+ volunteers and thousands of residents who believe in putting an end to HIV/AIDS once and for all!
Why: To raise awareness for HIV/AIDS and funds for the Alliance for Positive Health’s life-saving programs and services to those who are infected or at-risk of becoming infected.

How it works: Volunteer Ambassadors are matched to a participating restaurant that has committed 25% (or more!) of its sales to the Alliance for Positive Health on Thursday, April 25th. Ambassadors then do everything they can to promote the event and invite everyone they know to dine at their restaurant location for their breakfast, lunch and/or dinner shift. The goal is to make the restaurant as busy as possible by filling it with friends, family members, colleagues and neighbors! Then, on Dining Out For Life® day, Ambassadors greet diners, thank them for coming, and encourage them to fill out an entry form to win 2 roundtrip tickets on Southwest Airlines and/or make an additional donation.

Individuals and groups of all sizes are welcome to join in. To sign up or learn more, please contact the Development Department at: 518.434.4686. The fun will kick off in March with Ambassador Orientation, contests and prizes. Don’t delay as certain restaurants/shifts will fill quickly!

The Alliance for Positive Health thanks you for your support as they work to reduce the impact and incidence of HIV/AIDS and other chronic illnesses, all while raising vital funds that will stay local here in Northeastern New York.

To learn more about the Dining Out For Life®, please click here.
To see all the fun that was had at last year’s event, please visit the event Facebook page here.