
September 21, 2016

Troy Mayor Patrick Madden to be Honored by TRIP & RCHR at Annual Homecoming Dinner

Troy Rehabilitation & Improvement Program (TRIP) and Rensselaer County Housing Resources (RCHR) will hold their Annual Homecoming Dinner on Monday, October 24, 2016 at the Franklin Terrace Ballroom in Troy.

Troy Mayor Patrick Madden will be presented the Community Citizenship Award in recognition of his 30 years of service as Executive Director of TRIP & RCHR.  Kevin and Pat O’Bryan are this year’s Homecoming Dinner Honorary Chairs.

“We became involved with TRIP & RCHR many years ago because of then-executive director Patrick Madden’s passion for the organizations’ mission of connecting people with resources and knowledge to live in desirable homes and create vibrant communities,”  said Kevin and Pat O’Bryan.

“Patrick’s tenure with the organization is highlighted by an increase in safe affordable housing options in neighborhoods that have otherwise struggled with disinvestment,” said Christine Nealon, the organizations’ current Executive Director. “We’re so pleased to add Patrick to the list of Community Citizenship recipients for his tireless efforts.”

Also that evening, TRIP will induct the last ten years of Troy Treasures into the Hall of Fame.  Honorees include Troy residents and businesses that have served their communities ranging from Mac Henderson with Troy Little League (2015) to Lynn Kopka and the Washington Park Association (2005).

Honorary Committee tickets are $150 per person or $250 for two tickets.  Sponsorship is still available.  Dinner tickets are $75 per person.

To join the TRIP & RCHR Honorary Dinner Committee or to purchase dinner tickets for the 2016 Annual Homecoming Dinner, contact Cathy at TRIP, 518-272-8289 or