September 26, 2017Toshiba Business Solutions Introduces New Solution to Help Clients Securely Store, Manage and Retrieve Important Business Documents
We have been in what is referred to as the “information age” for a many years. What has changed today is the dramatic increase in the speed of retrieval and the sheer volume of data needed to run today’s companies. It has increased exponentially. Not only do we run on data, but without the ability to find, store, share, and collaborate, our modern companies would move at the pace of the Stone Age.
Your paper and digital documents are critical assets of your business, but only if you can find them.
Moving your team’s documents off of laptop hard drives and out of network folders into a shared repository automatically makes them accessible across the entire enterprise, making them powerful resources that increase the overall productivity of the entire team.
In our daily lives we need data 24/7 and we need it instantly. A cloud based solution that allows users to access documents online is the key to working globally. Today we work with vendors and partners all over the world. We work from home on laptops, remote offices, coffee shops and airports. Today we need to access files from any device: tablets, smartphones, laptops, and whatever new device comes out next year.
TBS KITE helps you manage your important documents and records in a way that’s never been available before.
KITE stands for Keep Information Together Electronically, and that’s exactly what TBS KITE does. It helps you manage your information in the easiest way possible. It transforms unorganized information so it can be managed and retrieved instantly using a state-of-the-art search engine. It’s easy to upload documents so it saves you countless hours organizing and categorizing your business records. Your data is stored safely and securely yet easily retrieved.
For example, you are looking for a document you worked on two months ago, but can’t remember what you called it or where you put it. What you do remember is something that was in the document – if only you could find it based on the content.
The truth is, most documents, both paper and digital, lose their value very quickly. The amount of information generated in a business typically doubles every three months. This information only has value if employees can find it quickly.
With TBS KITE, you no longer need to know what a document was named or where it was placed. The easy upload and powerful search tools allow you to save, then find any document, even if you do not know much about it, in seconds.
For a consultation and demonstration please contact Duane Shoen at 518-250-5502 x 3910 or