January 22, 2025“To Life!” Albany Medical Center’s Breast Care Center Ribbon Cutting

“To Life!”, an independent community resource for comprehensive information, education, and support for breast cancer patients, now have a big new partner. Representatives from “To Life!” will have a private space within Albany Medical Center’s Breast Care Center, located at its South Clinical Campus on Hackett Boulevard in Albany, to meet with breast cancer patients and offer supportive counseling and fitting consultations once per month. Lynn Choi, MD cut the ceremonial ribbon alongside “To Life!” Executive Director Eileen Howe Bird and Program Support Specialist Dana Pleskovic, plus Dr. Alan Boulos, Dean of the Albany Medical College, and Capital Region Chamber Senior Vice President Pete Bardunias. Also present were Assemblywoman Patricia Fahy, Manik Elahi representing Congressman Paul Tonko, and representatives of Albany County Executive Dan McCoy.
All 2024 ribbon cuttings of the Capital Region Chamber and its affiliates were sponsored by Community Bank, N.A.